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1. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation, which involves focusing on the present moment and breathing exercises to calm your mind.

2. Reading a Book: Indulge in a good book that interests you. It can transport you to different worlds and help you unwind.

3. Yoga or Stretching: Engage in gentle yoga poses or stretching for a relaxing physical and mental break.

4. Listening to Music: Put on some calming music and let yourself get lost in the rhythm.

5. Painting or Drawing: Engage in a creative activity like drawing or painting, which can be therapeutic.

6. Cooking or Baking: Prepare a favorite meal or bake, as the process can be calming and the result enjoyable.

7. Gardening: Spend some time in nature or gardening, enjoying the beauty around and the sense of accomplishment.

8. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, or gratitude in a journal. This can help you process emotions and clear your mind.

9. Indoor or Outdoor Exercise: Go for a walk, bike ride, or do a light workout at home to release endorphins and feel relaxed.

10. Board Games or Puzzles: Enjoy a game or puzzle with friends or family, promoting social interaction and mental stimulation.

Remember, the key is to find activities that you personally enjoy and that help you disconnect from daily stress.

From here we'll walk the feet together, open the knees wide, Supta Baddha Konasana and you're just gonna rock the head gently side to side, ear to ear, getting a little massage in the back of the neck, the head rather, stretching through the neck.

Take one more breath here, just look straight up or close your eyes, chest to chin and chin towards the sky.

So the knees are reaching towards the front edge, the sits bones are reaching towards the backs of the knees.


Snuggle the shoulder blades in, interlace the fingertips, and lift the hips up, long, beautiful spine here as you squeeze the inner thighs together, and just imagine length in the spine.

娱乐小项目方案策划书So you'll bring your fingertips to about where the heels meet and then from there we'll press in the feet, lift the hips up high, here we go.

We're gonna bring the fingertips to interlace behind the tail for a bridge pose.

Allow the legs to grow heavy here, try to keep your shoulders anchored to the earth, oh yeah.

Even in the transitions, find that connect with the lower back again, that openness through the chest, that long, beautiful neck, inhale, exhale, over to the right.

And then slowly bringing it back through center, nice mindful breathing.

Big stretch, you can take the left hand to the top of the right thigh, you can also turn to rest on the right ear, breathing deep.

Inhale in, exhale, allow the legs to gently fall to the left, and try to keep your right shoulder on the ground here.


Then take your arms out, Texas T, and try to maintain all of these things, open chest, long neck, and lower back flushed with the mat, as you lift one knee up and then the other.

So we have long neck, lower back supported, and nice open chest.

Great, then snuggle your shoulder blades underneath your heart space as if you were trying to do a heart opener here, so nice, open chest.

So you might even lift your tail and just snuggle your lower back into the mat.

Just lots more into the neck and shoulders, and then bend the knees, bring the feet up to the mat, so you can find a nice support in the lower back.

Just sweep the left fingertips all the way up and over, feeling it out, stretching the side body, and paying attention to the shoulder, the head, the neck.

You can find soft easy movement here in the shoulders if it feels right, checking in with the head, the neck, take a deep breath in.

Bring the left hand to the earth, sweep the right fingertips all the way up and over, big side body stretch here.

Alright, on this one really breathe into your hands here so fill up with breath, big inhale.

And then choose to give the thinking mind a break here for five minutes as you inhale deeply.

Take a deep breath in, maybe close your eyes here, and on your exhale, really relax the shoulders.

Five minute break to chill out, to calm the nervous system, and to find what feels good.

Let's begin with the left hand on the heart, the right hand right down on the belly.

"fight-or-fight" should be "fight-or-escape"


Meditation practice helped in reducing the anxiety associated with IBS and improved the individual’s quality of life to a large extent (Gaylord et al., 2011).


Studies on the impact of meditation on Irritable Bowel Syndrome was initially conducted by the American College of Gastroenterology in 2014, with no significant establishments. Later, some studies on women with severe IBS symptoms showed that when they practiced mindful meditation regularly for two months, their symptoms significantly reduced.

8. Meditation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 冥想与肠易激综合征的关系


The NCCIH in the US, has conducted studies to explore the impact of meditation on disorders like:


A study by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) found that mindful meditation reduces pain sensations in the body without using the brain’s natural opiates (Cherkin et al., 2016).


Even people who meditated for short durations showed more focus than individuals who did not meditate at all (Jha, Krompinger, & Baine, 2007).


5. Meditation increases attention by inducing a state of flow 冥想通过诱导流动状态来增加注意力



美容店门头小项目图片4. Meditation promotes emotional health and wellbeing 冥想促进情绪健康和幸福感





Meditation establishes a secure connection between our internal and external worlds. It awakens the body and benefits all aspects of the conscious and subconscious layers of the mind. Out of the numerous perks that meditation gives, a few are listed below.


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