
0 去试试创业网


1. **Todo List**:一个简单的待办事项列表应用,可以添加、删除和编辑任务。

2. **天气预报小应用**:使用API获取和显示当地天气信息。

3. **计时器**:一个简单的计时器,可以设置和暂停。

4. **轮播图**:创建一个图片轮播效果,展示多张图片。

5. **猜数字游戏**:让用户猜一个随机生成的数字。

6. **简单的网页计算器**:实现基础的数学运算功能。

7. **折线图或柱状图**:使用数据可视化库如Chart.js创建图表。

8. **响应式网页设计**:使用JavaScript和CSS创建一个简单的响应式网站。

9. **动态导航菜单**:鼠标悬停时导航菜单项动态显示或隐藏。

10. **倒计时器**:用于显示某个日期或时间的倒计时。

11. **弹窗提示或警告**:用户点击某个按钮时,显示一个弹窗提示或警告。

12. **搜索框提示**:当用户输入时,自动显示搜索建议。

13. **简单的登录注册系统**:使用本地存储实现用户登录和注册功能。


var newColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)];

// Select a random color as the background of each level/round.


// Reset the ball location, the player turns and set a delay before the next round begins.

在附近做什么小生意最好 document.addEventListener('keyup', function (key) { Pong.player.move = DIRECTION.IDLE; });

// Stop the player from moving when there are no keys being pressed.

// Handle the 'Press any key to begin' function and start the game.

document.addEventListener('keydown', function (key) {

// Set the default canvas font and align it to the center

// Set the fill style to white (For the paddles and the ball)

setTimeout(function () { Pong.endGameMenu('Game Over!'); }, 1000);

// If there is another round, reset all the values and increment the round number.

setTimeout(function () { Pong.endGameMenu('Winner!'); }, 1000);

// Check to see if there are any more rounds/levels left and display the victory screen if

if (this.ball.y <= this.paddle.y + this.paddle.height && this.ball.y + this.ball.height >= this.paddle.y) {

this.ball.x = (this.player.x + this.ball.width);

if (this.ball.y <= this.player.y + this.player.height && this.ball.y + this.ball.height >= this.player.y) {

// Move ball in intended direction based on moveY and moveX values

// If the player collides with the bound limits, update the x and y coords.

this.ball.moveY = [DIRECTION.UP, DIRECTION.DOWN][Math.round(Math.random())];

// and randomize the direction to add some challenge.

// On new serve (start of each turn) move the ball to the correct side

// Move player if they player.move value was updated by a keyboard event

if (this.ball.y <= 0) this.ball.moveY = DIRECTION.DOWN;

// Update all objects (move the player, paddle, ball, increment the score, etc.)

// Draw the rectangle behind the 'Press any key to begin' text.

// Draw the end game menu text ('Game Over' and 'Winner')

// Draw the rectangle behind the 'Press any key to begin' text. = (this.canvas.height / 2) + 'px'; = (this.canvas.width / 2) + 'px';

var colors = ['#1abc9c', '#2ecc71', '#3498db', '#e74c3c', '#9b59b6'];

我可以用JavaScript构建游戏吗?答案是肯定的,使用javascript甚至可以创建复杂的游戏,但是在这种情况下,我们将专注于一个简单的游戏,该游戏可让您练习HTML CSS和javascript技能。



如果您想构建简单而有趣的东西来练习JavaScript知识,那么使用HTML CSS和JS创建TIC TAC TOE游戏对您来说是个不错的选择,该游戏虽然简单但并不容易,因此您需要专注于该项目的逻辑方面,因为它是该项目最具挑战性的部分。

rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)

rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&

taskVal = document.createTextNode(this.taskInput.value);

var taskLi, taskChkbx, taskVal, taskBtn, taskTrsh;

delBtn = this.tasklistChildren[i].getElementsByTagName("button")[0];

chkBox = this.tasklistChildren[i].getElementsByTagName("input")[0];

for (i = 0; i < this.tasklistChildren.length; i += 1) {

this.taskInput.onkeypress = this.enterKey.bind(this);

this.errorMessage = document.getElementById("error");

this.tasklist = document.getElementById("tasks");

如果您是javascript语言的初学者,则待办事项列表应用程序是最好的和最容易的应用程序之一,如果您使用HTML CSS和一点点的javascript,则可以创建此简单的待办事项列表应用程序,您将找到源代码这个js项目的底部。


document.getElementById("mazeContainer").style.opacity = "100";

if (document.getElementById("mazeContainer").style.opacity < "100") {

player = new Player(maze, mazeCanvas, cellSize, displayVictoryMess, sprite);


// move the current position back to the prior cell and Recall the method.

if (nx >= 0 && nx < width && ny >= 0 && ny < height) {

document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible";

if (document.getElementById(id).style.visibility == "visible") {

document.getElementById("moves").innerHTML = "You Moved " + moves + " Steps.";

resultDisplayed = true; // turning flag if result is displayed

numbers.splice(add, 2, parseFloat(numbers[add]) + parseFloat(numbers[add + 1]));

// using parseFloat is necessary, otherwise it will result in string concatenation :)

numbers.splice(multiply, 2, numbers[multiply] * numbers[multiply + 1]);

农村人创业养殖场名字 numbers.splice(divide, 2, numbers[divide] / numbers[divide + 1]);

// the final element remaining in the array will be the output

// as we move we are alterning the original numbers and operators array

// first divide, then multiply, then subtraction and then addition

// now we are looping through the array and doing one operation at a time.

// first we replace all the numbers and dot with empty string and then split

// forming an array of numbers. eg for above string it will be: numbers = ["10", "26", "33", "56", "34", "23"]

// if first key pressed is an opearator, don't do anything

专题: 农村新创业   农村创业剧   在农村创业