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1. "Small E-commerce Business": 微型电子商务项目 2. "Online Tutoring": 网络辅导/家教 3. "Affiliate Marketing": 联盟营销 4. "Freelance Writing": 自由撰稿 5. "Pet Sitting/Dog Walking": 宠物看护/遛狗服务 6. "Print-on-Demand Products": 定制印刷产品(如T恤、海报等) 7. "Dropshipping": 网上分销 8. "Photography or Videography Services": 摄影或视频服务 9. "Sell Digital Downloads": 数字产品销售(如电子书、音乐、设计模板等) 10. "Investing in Cryptocurrencies": 加密货币投资 11. "YouTube Channel or Blog": YouTuber或博客盈利 12. "二手交易": Used item sales 13. "Graphic Design or Web Development": 平面设计或网站开发 14. "Teaching a Skill Online": 在线教授技能 15. "Social Media Management": 社交媒体管理 16. "Crowdfunding Campaigns": 众筹活动 17. "Home-Based Craft or Handmade Products": 家庭手工艺品销售 18. "Pet Training Services": 宠物训练服务 19. "Mobile App Development": 移动应用开发 20. "Investing in Real Estate": 房地产投资。


挣钱到底是earn money还是make money呢?

好, 我们再说make , 它是指可以通过自己工作得到的钱(工资 salary),也就是说make money 包括earn money 的。 Make money也可以是通过变卖物品得到的钱(盈利profit)。 还可以通过自己投资(investment)得到的钱。



当你的语境没有那么复杂时,小学妹觉得“挣钱”用make money或earn money中的任意一个都是可以的。如果你有不同的看法,也欢迎在评论区和大家一起探讨!


I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy.

earn, clear, get, make都可以表示“赚钱”,那么它们有什么区别?

I’m tired, I think I’m going to call it a day,see you tomorrow.

I didn’t feel well this morning,I think I’m going to call in sick.

The boss is going to be here tomorrow美食节什么小生意好做,so we’ll need to buckled down to get this job finished.

We both need to bring home the bacon or we’re not going to have enough money to pay rent.

专题: 农村创业妹   农村女创业   农村创业女