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一些老外可能会听得一头雾水,这也正常,即便是一些中国人,第一次听到“996工作制”的时候也是不明所以。这个时候,你就可以向他解释何为996——9am to 9pm, 6 days a week.或者解释为12 hours a day, 6 days a week work culture

I thought my boss was not in the office, so I left early. I was wrong.


They are absent without leave, in this case they should be fired.

Don’t look for me next week, because I will take 365 days off.

During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles. 在交通的晚高峰时段,这里通常被车辆堵得水泄不通。

说到去上班,大家都会想到go to work投资小生意的创业项目,这个表达是对的,但有更简单和常用的表达,老外最爱说的是off to work,off表示离开的意思,to表示目的。

go bad 变坏;变质; go down /up 沿着; go along 沿着...走 go away 走开; go ahead 继续;往下说;请便; go out of 走出... ;go out for a walk 出去走走;散步; go swimming /shopping/hiking /boating 去游泳/购物/远足/划船; go home 回家; go to school上学; go to work 上班; go to the movies/cinema/film去看电影; go through穿过;浏览;经历; go hungry 挨饿; go into effect 生效;

go on 继续;进行; go on a picnic 去野炊; go on doing /with sth 继续做某事 ; go on a vacation 去度假; go by 经过;(时间)流逝; go over检查;复习;

专题: 莱美加盟   创业项目加盟   加盟面包新语